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What are SUDOKU puzzles ?

Sudoku puzzles contain a 9*9 grid filled with cells. These smallest cells than form larger 3*3 regions that contain the numbers from 1 to 9. The goal is to fill in the empty cells, one number in each, so that each column, row, and region contains the numbers from 1 to 9 exactly once. Each number in the solution therefore can occur only once in each of three "directions".

Is it simple to play ?

As you can see there are no maths involved, the individual cells do not add up to anything. The best way to solve Sudoku puzzles is by logic and elimination as each SUDOKU puzzle is different and therefore trial and error would prove too tedious. Puzzles vary in difficulty however the aim remains the same.

I am new to SUDOKU, will it be too hard for me to get into the game ?

No, this is the beauty of Sudoku. Sudoku-World  puzzles come in 5 difficulty ratings, from a beginner Very Easy , to Easy, Moderate, Hard, and Very Hard. The puzzles corresponding to higher star ratings ( 3 , 4 and 5 stars ) are harder to solve as more thinking is required.

How can I start playing ?

As you have probably noticed there are Sudoku puzzles in newspaper, magazines etc. There are also little Sudoku stations that generate random puzzles and can be played on the go. However these can be inconvenient which is why Sudoku-World offers a range of puzzle books exclusively filled with Sudoku puzzles ranging from all different levels. These are in "old fasioned" print form and downloadable PDF-uzzle books are available - just head over to Sudoku Puzzle Books area of the site by clicking on the tool-bar left.

Here is a great site that goes into more detail on the rules of Sudoku and it's origins ( Please hold down the Shift key as you click on the link in order for the web-page to appear in new window )

Sudoku on Wikipedia :

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